DeadWire Rules
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rules copied and edit from lw

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DeadWire Code of Conduct:
members can express their views just as long as they do not demean, harass, or threaten action against other members.
members have a commitment to take a member with a problem or question seriously and respond accordingly.
Members should never pull rank on another member just because they have more points.
Duties of a DeadWire archangel:
Organize topics by moving them to a more appropriate forum if necessary.
Help other members who have questions about DeadWire and its usage.
Protect forums from spamming.
Support DeadWire's acceptable content policies.
Content that is eligible to be edited/removed by a archangel:
Posts designed to gather any type of personal information from other members, such as, for example, email addresses.
Posts deemed to be made by children under 3 years of age or younger.
Posts containing inexcessive use of vulgar, abusive or offensive language.
Posts deemed to be made by sexual predators.
Repetitive posts that appear more than once in a single topic, forum, or forums.
Posts that don’t promote illegal activity or give accounts of illegal activity.
Posts that are of a sexually explicit nature which do not assist in solving legitimate problems or issues.
Posts which contain your thoughts regarding shortcomings of the current moderation team, either real or imaginary. Take this up privately with an administrator.
Posts which attempt to circumvent any rule in a way that you feel is remarkably clever or witty.
Posts which are replies to a post which was removed.
Posts which contain images that take up to much space.
Posts which contain links to inappropriate content (such as porno).
Posts that have titles and/or descriptions which aim to seek attention, such as repetitive use of the same character.
Posts which whine about DeadWire in a constructive manner.
Members who are eligible to be assigned penalty points:
Members with more than 500 points who post advertising, promotional or solicitation material.
Members who harass or stalk other members.
Members who are generally good minions but have broken acceptable content polices.
Members who are eligible to be denied further service:
Members with fewer than 500 points who post advertising, promotional or solicitation material.
Members who harass or stalk other members and keep doing it after being warned.
Members who are deemed to be under 3 years of age or under.
Members who are deemed to be sexual predators.
Members who provide a false email address and have fewer than 50 points.
Members who impersonate other members.
members will be punished for intelect with a -5 point deduction.
Do you feel that your account or post was edited or removed unjustly? Then Mail a deity and they will investigate. Getting involved with DeadWire archangel Team, read the archangel request requirements. DeadWire Policy We're not human and we don’t make errors, despite this, DeadWire is never right. DeadWire will punish retroactively if it is really board. This isn't a democracy and you can't prove policy "unconstitutional". Unless you have a really good lawyer.

failure to follow any of the above rules will cause me to hit you, also all these rules were taken from livewire fourms and edited because I was lazzy.

  dont you love my random pics